SEAD - Esp. em Metodologias Ativas de Ensino Aprendizagem - TCC Especialização

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    Alunos portadores de transtorno do espectro autista e sua inserção na sala de aula: uma revisão narrativa
    (Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco, 2024-01-15) Flores, Thayrine Oliveira Aranha; Martins, Mariana Cavalcante
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    As Metodologias Ativas como Práxis de uma Educação Antirracista
    (Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco, 2024-01-12) Hora, Heber; Palácio, Maria;;
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    O ambiente virtual de aprendizagem (ava) como apoio no processo de ensino e aprendizagem na educação básica
    (Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco, 2024-03-02) Santos, Hilmara Silva dos; Espíndula, Daniel Henrique Pereira;
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    Desenvolvendo aulas ativas para uma apredizagem significativa: um novo olhar na educação superior
    (UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO VALE DO SÃO FRANCISCO, 2024-03-02) Feitoza da Silva, Franciene; Espíndula, Daniel D. H. P;;;
    The present work deals with an experience report, through the use of padle, whose allows participation and interaction to occur instantaneously. Padlet promotes the role of the students, who become the authors of the discussions, raising doubts, solutions, curiosities and dialoguing with other classmates under the guidance of the teacher. The general objective of this study was to analyze the use and influence of the use and influence of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) aimed at higher for higher education in a higher education institution (HEI), comprising an experience report focusing on the PADLET tool. The methodology different strategies in two higher education classes, a degree in pedagogy and geography. pedagogy and geography. As for the results, the view of the community and the the community and the neglect of public health, in many posts and images made on the digital platform Padlet. We saw that it is possible to make learning more meaningful when we choose information that means something to us, which is very much present in the information inserted in the map. With this, it was concluded that this study raised the level of meaningful learning among the students during the discussion. used to slow down and observe problems and solutions, the platform allows platform allows classmates to comment on each other's posts, allowing for a light and succinct interaction
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    Aprendizagem baseada em problema no ensino da medicina veterinária: uma revisão de literatura
    (Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco, 2024-01-22) Melo, Carlos Henrique Sousa de; Takenami, Iukary Oliveira
    Workplace demands are constantly evolving; however, the education system often struggles to keep up with this progress. In the professional landscape, there is a growing demand for individuals with problem-solving skills. Thus, there is a need to develop new teaching methodologies that encourage students to be motivated, show interest, and acquire the ability to face challenges. In this context, Problem-Based Learning (PBL) has emerged as an effective methodology to address these issues. Therefore, the aim of this study is to highlight how the implementation of PBL can add value and make a difference in the teaching of various areas of Veterinary Medicine. This review has the guiding question: "How can the use of Problem-Based Learning contribute to Veterinary Medicine education?" The databases used were Science Direct, MEDLINE/PubMed, and SciELO, and article selection was conducted using the Start software. The searches returned a total of 77 articles. The PBL method was recommended by all analyzed studies and proved effective in motivating students, developing various skills, and enabling student autonomy in knowledge construction. However, some limitations related to familiarity with the method were reported, reinforcing the need for exploration and improvement in non-traditional methodologies by education professionals, aiming for a transformation in the educational landscape.
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    Gamificação como estratégia de engajamento no ensino fundamental ii, no municipio de petrolina-pe: um relato de experiência
    (Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco, 2024-03-18) Silva, Elizabete; Martins, Mariana
    This paper presents an experience report of the practice of gamification in the classroom from the teaching of Portuguese Language, in Elementary School II, in a peripheral municipal school, in the city of Petrolina-PE. The objective was to report the benefits of gamification as an instrument for engaging and motivating this audience, after identifying a high rate of indiscipline and the gap between students in the post-pandemic 2022/2023. The audience of this experience report were students from the 6th, 8th and 9th grades, through gamification dynamics during Portuguese language classes. Greater commitment and expectation were evidenced in relation to the Portuguese classes, since they always expected a new challenge, which they always wanted to overcome, this was reflected in tangible results, through indicators such as grades and a drop in indiscipline complications. Thus, it can be said that there was greater engagement among the aforementioned classes. Keywords: Gamification. Teaching. Portuguese Language ...
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    Uso de metodologias ativas no processo de ensino aprendizagem em cursos de engenharia: revisão integrativa
    (Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco, 2024-01-31) Santana, Tamires Cordeiro; Souza, Thayssa Carvalho; Silva, Adriana Moreno Costa;; Moreno, Thiago de Azevedo;;;
    Active methodologies are teaching strategies that involve students in a participatory way, encouraging the active construction of knowledge. By adopting active approaches, educators can promote greater student engagement, encourage critical thinking, facilitate the practical application of knowledge, and promote interpersonal skills. Given the above, this article aims to investigate the use of active methodologies in engineering courses and their challenges during the implementation of the method. The phenomenon in question, that is, the adoption of active teaching methodologies, was analyzed due to the growing search for more effective and engaging pedagogical approaches in higher education, especially in fields as complex and practical as engineering courses. The integrative review examined and synthesized 15 articles that offered an analytical view of educational practices in engineering that incorporate active methodologies, highlighting the specific challenges that educators face when applying these teaching-learning methods. The results showed that the use of active methodologies in the engineering course presents specific challenges that require attention and adaptive strategies for effective implementation. One of the main challenges lies in the complexity of the technical content, characteristic of these disciplines. The theoretical and practical nature of engineering requires a pedagogical approach that integrates knowledge in an in-depth way, which can be challenging when employing active methodologies. The results of this study indicate that by recognizing and addressing the identified challenges, the university community can move towards more effective practices, preparing students not only with technical knowledge, but also with practical skills and an active and reflective approach to learning.
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    Uso de metodologias ativas e as tecnologias educacionais em curso técnico de radiologia, a perspectiva docente: um relato de experiência
    (Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco, 2024-01-25) Cruz, Jaqueline Jesus dos Santos; Ribeiro, Amanda Maria Villas Boas;;
    Professional and Technological Education is a teaching modality that significantly contributes to the insertion of various professionals into the world of work, both in the health area and in other spheres of education. The technical course in radiology is offered as an opportunity in which the student can develop a series of skills such as knowledge related to human anatomy and physiology, solving problem situations, teamwork, information and communication technologies and professional ethics. Teaching based on Active Methodologies with the help of Educational Technologies was chosen as a tool capable of providing support for teaching-learning. Thus, the objective of this study was to report, in the light of meaningful learning, the use of educational technologies and the applicability of Active Methodologies in the teaching-learning process in a radiology technical course. The present study is an experience report, as descriptive qualitative research, referring to two periods, from September 5th to October 3rd, 2022 and July 19th to September 20th, 2023. With the reflections arising from the experience in the specialization, it was possible to insert some active methodologies into the classroom as a teacher, such as kahoot, mind map, word cloud (brainstorming), case studies and team activities, etc. It is clear with the use of such methodologies that there is certainly still a long way to go when it comes to the use of active methodologies in a reality marked by the hegemonic traditionalism of teaching practices. Furthermore, the students showed good acceptance, developing their ability to think, interact and express themselves in different everyday contexts.
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    O uso das Metodologias Ativas na formação de graduandos em saúde para atuação no Sistema Único de Saúde: uma pesquisa bibliográfica
    (Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco, 2024-01-27) Santos, Bárbara; Espíndula, Daniel;;;;
    This work aims to analyze the discussions in the scientific literature about the use of Active Methodologies in the training of health graduates to work in the Unified Health System. This is bibliographical research on the topic “The use of Active Methodologies in the training of health graduates to work in the Unified Health System”. The search was carried out in November 2023, in the SciELO database, under inclusion criteria: the materials needed to be related to the objective of the research in evidence and be published with free access in the aforementioned database. The final sample consisted of 13 articles. Around 40% applied the Problematization Methodology – Arco de Charles Maguerez. Two studies did not focus on preparing students to work in the SUS. Thus, it highlights the need for pedagogical work that stimulates an educational process in health centered on the holistic view of care, recommended for care in Care Networks and, above all, public and quality care.
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    Mapas conceituais enquanto ferramenta de ensino
    (Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco, 2024-01-20) Nogueira, Dialles; Ribeiro, Marcelo;; 8566377803271737;;
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    Transtorno do espectro autista (TEA) e o ensino - aprendizagem: uma análise da aplicação de jogos didáticos na escola de referência em ensino fundamental e médio
    (Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco, 2024-03-21) Souza, Damiana D. S.; Ribeiro, Marcelo Silva de Souza;
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    Sala de aula invertida nos itinerários formativos: potencializando o aprofundamento em matemática no contexto do novo ensino médio
    (Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco, 2024-01-29) Gomes, Tayná dos Santos; Santos, Wendrix Spinola; Duarte, Francisco Ricardo;;;;
    This research explores the convergence between the Flipped Classroom Active Methodology, based on the theories of Bergmann and Sams, and the Constructivist perspective of Piaget and Vygotsky, aiming to investigate the promotion of meaningful learning in Mathematics. The methodology adopted comprises a bibliographical approach, delving into works by renowned theorists, and exploratory research, analyzing the interaction between the Inverted Active Classroom Methodology and Constructivism. The results of implementing the Flipped Classroom in Mathematics Training Itineraries over two years reveal a significant change in student attitudes, demonstrating an increase in autonomy, involvement and significant understanding of the content. The experience report highlights the effectiveness of integrating the Flipped Classroom and Constructivism in promoting a more relevant and preparatory education for future challenges. The implications of this methodological fusion go beyond the classroom, shaping essential skills in students and contributing to the formation of conscious and adaptable citizens. In summary, the research provides valuable insights for contemporary pedagogical practice, emphasizing the importance of innovation and constant adaptation to achieve a more meaningful and impactful education.
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    Desafios e possibilidades da psicopedagogia institucional na utilização de metodologias ativas para o processo de aprendizagem de estudantes do ensino médio
    (Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco, 2024-02-15) Santos, Elisabete Reis Andrade; Santos, Cristiane Sousa;
    The psychopedagogue, in the school environment, deals with several challenging si- tuations that involve the teaching and learning process and, therefore, needs to seek knowledge to create actions that allow identifying possible difficulties in the process of knowledge construction, respecting the singularities . In this sense, it is important to highlight that the role of the institutional psychopedagogue goes beyond identifying learning difficulties. He/she acts as an agent of transformation, guiding teachers in adapting pedagogical practices and creating dynamic learning environments. The partnership between educational psychologist and teacher is essential to overcome challenges and maximize the opportunities offered by active methodologies. The con- cern that motivated this study arose from the observation I carried out during my inter- nship in Institutional Psychopedagogy. This research is anchored in a qualitative approach, using bibliographical research as a methodological procedure. To select rese- arch references and theorists, Google Scholar databases were consulted. From the study, we realized the importance of psychopedagogy within the learning process, with this professional being assigned, among his/her functions, the role of catalyst for change and the active engagement of teachers, reaffirming how fundamental this partnership is to create a school environment that not only faces challenges, but also takes advantage of the possibilities to provide a more meaningful and inclusive education.
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    Metodologias ativas aplicadas à formação docente: um estudo teórico
    (UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO VALE DO SÃO FRANCISCO, 2024-01-27) Souza, Jorge; Espíndula, Daniel;;;;
    This article proposes a discussion on ongoing teacher education, highlighting the use and mobilization of Active Methodologies as a central element in this process. The adopted approach involves a theoretical analysis of these methodologies, with an emphasis on their application to the continued education of teachers, based on academic works that link these two themes. The main scope of the research is focused on the effects of these changes on the professional practice of teachers. The study reinforces the importance and protagonism of the teacher's role in the teaching-learning process. However, there is an evident need to reassess this role, moving away from the subjectification as "banking educators" and, instead, affirming the need for a transition to a role as mediators and facilitators in the process of constructing school knowledge.
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    Aprendizagem baseada em problemas (PBL) no ensino de ciências e biologia na educação básica: uma revisão sistemática com base na análise de dissertações e teses brasileiras
    (UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO VALE DO SÃO FRANCISCO, 2024-01-25) Santos, Elaine Fernanda dos; Martins, Erikson de Carvalho;;;
    Science and Biology teaching has transformed in recent years, and demands of today's teaching and learning process have highlighted the importance of innovative strategies, approaches and methodologies. A Problem-based learning (PBL) is an active methodology that comes being used and studied by many researchers. Therefore, the objective general purpose of this study is to characterize research on Learning Based Problems (PBL) in the teaching of Science and Biology in basic education, within the scope of dissertation and theses research in the Brazilian context. Methodologically, we used a systematic literature review, following the PRISMA protocol. We found 17 dissertations that address the topic in the area. Based on In our analyses, we outline a general characterization of the studies, identifying that there are regions in evidence in the production of work in the area, with highlighting the Southeast region. Different theoretical-methodological perspectives were observed in discussions about PBL, in addition to the models used and adapted by the authors to meet the demands of the public in question. A combination of different strategies with PBL was another highlighted element by our analysis. Therefore, it is considered that other paths need to be explored in proposing new studies to disseminate and expand the potential of using PBL in teaching Science and Biology in education basic.
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    Gamificação como ferramenta ativa de aprendizagem articulada com as cantigas de roda
    (Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco, 2024-02-18) Pereira, Geane Gonçalves; Silva, Juliana G. da;
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    Metodologias ativas no ensino de ciências: uma revisão sistemática
    (Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco, 2023-12-28) Dantas, Luiz Victor de Almeida; Fabrício, Carvalho da Silva
    Science teaching has been based on the traditional model and it is urgent to change this model to active teaching-learning methodologies so that it is more aligned with the dynamics and transformation of this important area. In view of this question, the present work aims to search the literature for the use of active teaching-learning methodologies in Science and Biology in Brazil and abroad. To this end, a systematic review of the literature on the concept of active methodologies in the teaching of Science and Biology was carried out in the Web of Science (Main Collection – Clarivate Analytics), Scopus (Elsevier) and Google Scholar databases. The searches resulted in 10 articles. It was observed that most of the studies were conducted in Brazil (8) and two abroad. Of these studies, 60% were carried out in public schools, 60% with high school students, and the works were mostly published in 2021 and 2022. It is noted that the use of active methodologies is being done and in great variety, but the reports and experiences are not being published.
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    Uso de tecnologias da informação e comunicação na docência durante a pandemia de covid-19: revisão integrativa nos anos de 2020-2023.
    (Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco, 2024-02-08) Almeida, Silvani Silva de; Barreto, Raphaela Vasconcelos Gomes;;
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    Estudo sobre o uso de metodologias ativas nos cursos de engenharia elétrica do brasil
    (UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO VALE DO SÃO FRANCISCO, 2024-01-27) Silva, Adriano; Espindula, Daniel
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    Uso da metodologia osce invertido como instrumento de ensino e aprendizagem no curso de medicina da univasf: um relato de experiência
    (Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco, 2024-01-11) Araújo, Franklin Jr; Barreto, Raphaela;;;;
    The Medicine course at the Federal University of Vale do São Francisco (UNIVASF), Paulo Afonso campus, adopts active teaching and learning methodologies in its pedagogical project. For the evaluation of the competencies, skills and attitudes to be acquired by students throughout his academic training uses the OSCE (Objective Structured Clinical Examination) methodology. The OSCE, made up of stations set up in simulation laboratories, is a structured assessment instrument, like a checklist of tasks for students' medical skills and ability to “know how to demonstrate”. Based on experiences in the Skills and Attitudes axis it was found that students, especially after the Covid-19 pandemic, when undergoing the assessment process through the OSCE methodology, presented a significant level of stress and anxiety, compromising their mental health. The objective of this study was to report an experience with the OSCE, in the inverted format, as an intervention proposal with the aim of positively modifying the teaching and learning environment. The method used to validate the methodology was feedback, in person and online, carried out at the end of the activity, through which the teacher highlighted the positive points, presented the aspects to be improved and conveyed words of encouragement. The students, using Google Forms, recorded their perception about the activity, giving their opinion on the teaching performance, recognizing the viability of the adapted method and its positive impact on academic performance and students' psycho-emotional health.