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Título : Uso de metodologias ativas e as tecnologias educacionais em curso técnico de radiologia, a perspectiva docente: um relato de experiência
Otros títulos : Use of active methodologies and educational technologies in a radiology technical course, from the teacher’s perspective: an experience report
Uso de metodologías activas y tecnologías educativas en un curso técnico de radiología, desde la perspectiva docente: un reporte de experiencia
Autor : Cruz, Jaqueline Jesus dos Santos
Ribeiro, Amanda Maria Villas Boas
Palabras clave : Metodologias Ativas.
Tecnologias Educacionais.
Aprendizagem significativa.
Educação Profissional e Tecnológica.
Fecha de publicación : 25-ene-2024
Editorial : Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco
Resumen : Professional and Technological Education is a teaching modality that significantly contributes to the insertion of various professionals into the world of work, both in the health area and in other spheres of education. The technical course in radiology is offered as an opportunity in which the student can develop a series of skills such as knowledge related to human anatomy and physiology, solving problem situations, teamwork, information and communication technologies and professional ethics. Teaching based on Active Methodologies with the help of Educational Technologies was chosen as a tool capable of providing support for teaching-learning. Thus, the objective of this study was to report, in the light of meaningful learning, the use of educational technologies and the applicability of Active Methodologies in the teaching-learning process in a radiology technical course. The present study is an experience report, as descriptive qualitative research, referring to two periods, from September 5th to October 3rd, 2022 and July 19th to September 20th, 2023. With the reflections arising from the experience in the specialization, it was possible to insert some active methodologies into the classroom as a teacher, such as kahoot, mind map, word cloud (brainstorming), case studies and team activities, etc. It is clear with the use of such methodologies that there is certainly still a long way to go when it comes to the use of active methodologies in a reality marked by the hegemonic traditionalism of teaching practices. Furthermore, the students showed good acceptance, developing their ability to think, interact and express themselves in different everyday contexts.
URI : https://repositorio.univasf.edu.br/jspui/handle/123456789/1220
Aparece en las colecciones: SEAD - Esp. em Metodologias Ativas de Ensino Aprendizagem - TCC Especialização

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USO DE METODOLOGIAS ATIVAS E AS TECNOLOGIAS EDUCACIONAIS EM CURSO TÉCNICO DE RADIOLOGIA A PERSPECTIVA DOCENTE UM RELATO DE EXPERIÊNCIA.pdfUso de metodologias ativas e as tecnologias educacionais em curso técnico de radiologia, a perspectiva docente: um relato de experiência343.1 kBAdobe PDFVisualizar/Abrir
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