Desafios e interseções na educação: representatividade étnico-racial, tecnologia e aprendizagem ativa
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Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco
Contemporary society, driven by technological advances, undergoes profound
transformations that challenge traditional structures and shape new educational
scenarios. Nevertheless, significant challenges are still observed in the attempt to
authentically integrate ethnic and racial diversity into current technological
paradigms. This study aims to analyze the interactions between ethnic-racial
representation, technological advancements, and the design of digital educational
materials, focusing on the perspective of active learning. It is a theoretical-reflexive
essay, with a qualitative approach, incorporating analyses of contemporary theories
such as those by Stuart Hall, Rosane da Silva Borges, bell hooks e Tarcízio Silva
exploring the influence of technology on social and educational dynamics. Social and
technological transformations challenge traditional structures, influencing knowledge
production and reconfiguring racial representations. The appreciation of diverse
scientific frameworks emerges as a crucial element in identity formation, questioning
established cognitive and cultural patterns. Technological advances reshape
education, emphasizing the importance of distance learning. Learning Objects, while
providing virtual resources, face challenges of representation and biases, with
special attention to algorithmic racism on digital platforms. In the production of digital
educational materials, pedagogical principles are adhered to, but challenges of
representation and visibility persist, notably algorithmic racism. Reflection on images
and concern for representativity become essential for inclusive education. The results
highlight the urgency of reconsidering the production of digital educational materials,
promoting diversity, and combating biases. The integration of active methodologies is
crucial, stimulating conscious and inclusive education, recognizing the importance of
representativity on digital platforms and empowering students for active participation
in building a more equitable society.
Aprendizagem ativa, Active learning, Representatividade, Tecnologia, Racismo, Representativity, Technology, Racism