Silva, Ana Paula Lopes daRamos, Jorge Luis CavalcantiDuarte, Francisco Ricardo2024-09-112024-09-112023-12-22SILVA, A. P. L. ; RAMOS, J. L. C. ; DUARTE, F. R. Desenvolvimento de um módulo virtual de integração entre biblioteca e EaD: uma proposta para o Sistema de Bibliotecas da Univasf. In: SEMINÁRIO NACIONAL DE BIBLIOTECAS UNIVERSITÁRIAS - SNBU, 22., 2023, Florianópolis. Anais [...]. Florianópolis: FEBAB, 2023. study is part of a Doctoral research and aims to develop an integration module between the library and the virtual environment of EaD Univasf. A gap was identified in the provision of informational resources and services to this public, thus, an attempt is made to improve integration and communication, gathering resources that contribute to learning and training in EaD. Initiatives related to the proposal will be explored; applied a questionnaire with EaD students and use of agile SCRUM methodology for tool development. The study is expected to provide an environment that integrates library functionalities to the EaD platform, supporting students in this modality.porTecnologia educacionalEducação a DistânciaBiblioteca universitáriaServiços de informaçãoAprendizagemDesenvolvimento de um módulo virtual de integração entre biblioteca e EaD: uma proposta para o Sistema de Bibliotecas da UnivasfDevelopment of a virtual integration module between library and EaD: a proposal for the Univasf Library SystemArtigo de Evento