Santos, Elaine Fernanda dos2024-03-062024-03-062024-01-25 and Biology teaching has transformed in recent years, and demands of today's teaching and learning process have highlighted the importance of innovative strategies, approaches and methodologies. A Problem-based learning (PBL) is an active methodology that comes being used and studied by many researchers. Therefore, the objective general purpose of this study is to characterize research on Learning Based Problems (PBL) in the teaching of Science and Biology in basic education, within the scope of dissertation and theses research in the Brazilian context. Methodologically, we used a systematic literature review, following the PRISMA protocol. We found 17 dissertations that address the topic in the area. Based on In our analyses, we outline a general characterization of the studies, identifying that there are regions in evidence in the production of work in the area, with highlighting the Southeast region. Different theoretical-methodological perspectives were observed in discussions about PBL, in addition to the models used and adapted by the authors to meet the demands of the public in question. A combination of different strategies with PBL was another highlighted element by our analysis. Therefore, it is considered that other paths need to be explored in proposing new studies to disseminate and expand the potential of using PBL in teaching Science and Biology in education basic.porAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 BrazilEducação em CiênciasScience EducationMetodologias AtivasActive MethodologiesAprendizagem Baseada em ProblemasProblem-Based LearningAprendizagem baseada em problemas (PBL) no ensino de ciências e biologia na educação básica: uma revisão sistemática com base na análise de dissertações e teses brasileirasProblem-based learning (PBL) in teaching science and biology in basic education: a systematic review based on the analysis of Brazilian dissertations and thesesTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso